Blinking LED Tutorial

The minimal hello world example from the Development Manual can be enhanced easily to make use of the I/O capabilities of a HUB-GM100. In general all I/O-related objects are part of the InCore IO module:

import InCore.IO 2.0

Instead of printing a message on the console, the blue LED of the HUB-GM100 can be turned on using the following code:

import InCore.Foundation 2.0
import InCore.IO 2.0

Application {
    LED {
        index: LED.StatusBlue
        value: true

The index property indicates which LED of a HUB-GM100 to represent and control by this particular object. The actual state of the LED is controlled through the value property.

Turning on an LED is not very spectacular so let’s make things a little more dynamic:

import InCore.Foundation 2.0
import InCore.IO 2.0

Application {

    LED {
        id: blueLed
        index: LED.StatusBlue

    // toggle blue LED every 500 ms
    Timer {
        interval: 500
        onTriggered: {

This adds an ID to the LED (blueLed). An object ID is a name by which the object and its properties can be referenced throughout the whole program. The new Timer instance is configured to trigger every 500 ms. A simple code block is attached to the triggered signal. It does nothing but calling the toggle() method of the LED.