

The ModbusTcpServer object implements a Modbus server which communicates with Modbus masters (clients) via TCP network connections.

This object was introduced in InCore 2.0.

› Inherits:ModbusServer



This property holds the local network address which to listen on for incoming connections. When set to the server will listen on all addresses/interfaces.

› Type:String
› Default:
› Signal:networkAddressChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the network port which to listen on for incoming connections.

› Type:SignedInteger
› Default:502
› Signal:networkPortChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


import InCore.Foundation 2.5
import InCore.Modbus 2.5

Application {

    name: "Modbus TCP server/client example"

    Counter {
        id: counter
        startValue: 123

    ModbusTcpServer {
        id: server
        address: 1
        networkPort: 1234
        networkAddress: "localhost"

        // expose 3 values at addresses 2…4 through one register definition
        ModbusRegister {
            type: ModbusRegister.Input
            address: 2
            count: 3
            data: [ 123, 456, 789 ]

        ModbusRegister {
            id: counterEnabledReg
            type: ModbusRegister.Holding
            address: 0
            data: false
            onDataChanged: console.log("Counter enabled:", data)

        ModbusRegister {
            id: counterReg
            type: ModbusRegister.Input
            address: 123
            data: counter.value

        ModbusRegister {
            id: messageReg
            type: ModbusRegister.Input
            address: 0x1000
            count: 6
            dataType: ModbusRegister.String
            data: "Hello world!"

        onConnected: console.log("Server accepting connections")
        onErrorOccurred: console.log("Server error:", errorString)

    ModbusTcpClient {
        id: client
        networkAddress: server.networkAddress
        networkPort: server.networkPort

        numberOfRetries: 1
        timeout: 500

        ModbusSlave {
            address: server.address

            ModbusRegister {
                type: counterEnabledReg.type
                address: counterEnabledReg.address
                data: client.state === ModbusTcpClient.ConnectedState

            ModbusRegister {
                type: counterReg.type
                address: counterReg.address
                onDataChanged: console.log( "Counter value:", data)

            ModbusRegister {
                type: messageReg.type
                address: messageReg.address
                count: messageReg.count
                dataType: messageReg.dataType
                onDataChanged: console.log("Message register content:", data)

            Polling on registers { interval: 100 }

        onConnected: console.log("Connected to Modbus TCP slave")
        onErrorOccurred: console.log("Client error:", errorString)