

The DigitalIO object allows reading digital input signal or writing digital output signal.

› Inherits:Object



This property holds the direction of the IO. This property has to be set to work properly.

› Type:Direction
› Default:DigitalIO.Input
› Signal:directionChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the most recently occurred error or DigitalIO.NoError if no error occurred. If the same error occurs multiple times this property does not change. Use the errorOccurred() signal to detect multiple occurrences of the same error.

› Type:Error
› Signal:errorChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly


This property holds the current human readable error string corresponding to the current value in the error property. It may include additional information such as failure reasons or locations.

› Type:String
› Signal:errorStringChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly


This property holds the index of the IO. This property has to be set to work properly.

› Type:Index
› Default:DigitalIO.Invalid
› Signal:indexChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the value measured at the digital input if direction is set to DigitalIO.Input and the property has been polled.

This property was introduced in InCore 2.1.

› Type:Boolean
› Signal:inputValueChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly, Requires Polling


This property holds the current state of the Open-Drain Fault pin (HUB-GM200 only).

This property was introduced in InCore 2.0.

› Type:Boolean
› Signal:openDrainFaultChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly, Requires Polling


This property holds the value to which the digital output is set if direction is set to DigitalIO.Output.

This property was introduced in InCore 2.1.

› Type:Boolean
› Default:false
› Signal:outputValueChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the value which to set outputValue to when writing this property or the current value of the inputValue property when reading the property. It is recommended to read or write the direction-specific properties explicitely instead.

› Type:Boolean
› Default:false
› Signal:valueChanged()
› Attributes:Writable, Requires Polling



This method polls the inputValue property. It is called automatically when using a Polling property modifier on this property and usually does not have to be called manually.


This method polls the openDrainFault property. It is called automatically when using a Polling property modifier on this property and usually does not have to be called manually.


This method polls the value property. It is called automatically when using a Polling property modifier on this property and usually does not have to be called manually. This method only works if direction is set to DigitalIO.Input.



This signal is emitted whenever an error has occurred, regardless of whether the error property has changed or not. In contrast to the change notification signal of the error property this signal is also emitted several times if a certain error occurs several times in succession.



This enumeration describes the supported directions for the digital IO interface.

Name Value Description
DigitalIO.Input 0 The IO is used as an input.
DigitalIO.Output 1 The IO is used as an output.


This enumeration describes all errors which can occur in DigitalIO objects. The most recently occurred error is stored in the error property.

Name Value Description
DigitalIO.NoError 0 No error occurred or was detected.
DigitalIO.HardwareDriverNotAvailable 1 No hardware driver available for the current platform.
DigitalIO.ConfigurationError 2 Error while configuring DIO pins.
DigitalIO.OutputError 3 Error while setting the output pin.


This enumeration describes the supported digital input indexes.

Name Value Description
DigitalIO.Invalid 0 No index assigned.
DigitalIO.IO1 1 The 1st digital IO.
DigitalIO.IO2 2 The 2nd digital IO.
DigitalIO.IO3 3 The 3rd digital IO (only HUB-GM200 and newer).
DigitalIO.IO4 4 The 4th digital IO (only HUB-GM200 and newer).
DigitalIO.IO5 5 The 5th digital IO (only HUB-GM200 and newer).
DigitalIO.IO6 6 The 6th digital IO (only HUB-GM200 and newer).


import InCore.Foundation 2.5
import InCore.IO 2.5

Application {

    DigitalIO {
        id: digitalInput
        index: DigitalIO.IO1
        direction: DigitalIO.Input
        Polling on inputValue { interval: 100 }
        onInputValueChanged: console.log("IO1 changed to", inputValue)
        EdgeDetector on inputValue {
            onRisingEdge: console.log("Rising edge detected")

    // output inverted signal of digital input
    DigitalIO {
        id: digitalOutput
        index: DigitalIO.IO2
        direction: DigitalIO.Output
        value: !digitalInput.value
