

The ObjectArray object provides a container to group Object instances. This can be useful e.g. when Gather is used to merge multiple lists or object hierarchies.

› Inherits:Object
› Inherited by:Application



This property holds a list of Object instances.

› Type:List<Object>
› Signal:objectsChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly


objectsDataChanged(SignedInteger index)

This signal is emitted whenever the List.dataChanged() signal is emitted, i.e. the item at index in the objects list itself emitted the dataChanged() signal.


import InCore.Foundation 2.5

Application {

    // Object Array with fixed elements - the usual way
    ObjectArray {
        id: objectArrayA
        Measurement {
            id: meas0
        Measurement {
            id: meas1
        onCompleted: console.log( "ObjectArray A ready with", objects.length, "objects" )

    // ObjectArray with dynamic objects
    ObjectArray {
        id: objectArrayB
        Repeater on objects {
            model: 3
            Measurement {
                objectId: "id" + index
                data: index
        onObjectsChanged: console.log( "ObjectArray B has now", objects.length, "objects" )

    // ObjectArray with elements of objectArrayA and objectArrayB
    ObjectArray {
        Gather on objects {
            source: ObjectArray {
                List { reference: objectArrayA.objects }
                List { reference: objectArrayB.objects }
        onObjectsChanged: console.log( "Combined list with", objects.length, "objects" )
