

The Comparator object is a class to process both discrete and continuous signals such as measurements from digital inputs or analog sensors. Depending on the configuration it acts like a comparator with or without an hysteresis or a limiter. The intervals can be used to delay state changes for example to debounce a digital signal or filter flicker.

› Inherits:Object



This property holds the input value to compare with the thresholds.

› Type:Variant
› Signal:inputChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the output value of the comparator. If state is true it is equal to outputValueOn. Otherwise it corresponds to outputValueOff.

› Type:Variant
› Signal:outputChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly


This property holds the value for the off state. If state is false output is set to this value. Binding an expression to this property will make the output property being updated as well.

› Type:Variant
› Default:false
› Signal:outputValueOffChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the value for the on state. If state is true output is set to this value. Contains this value a binding, it is also mapped to output.

› Type:Variant
› Default:true
› Signal:outputValueOnChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the current state of the comparator.

› Type:Boolean
› Default:false
› Signal:stateChanged()
› Attributes:Readonly


This property holds the lower threshold. The value of the input property has to be less or equal to this value to switch state to false. If set to undefined or left blank the value of property thresholdValueOn is used instead, i.e. no value hysteresis functionality is realized.

› Type:Variant
› Signal:thresholdValueOffChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the upper threshold. The value of the input property has to be greater or equal to this value to switch state to true.

› Type:Variant
› Default:0
› Signal:thresholdValueOnChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the time in milliseconds for which input has to be less or equal thresholdValueOff to switch state to false.

› Type:SignedInteger
› Default:0
› Signal:timerIntervalOffChanged()
› Attributes:Writable


This property holds the time in milliseconds for which input has to be greater or equal thresholdValueOn to switch state to true.

› Type:SignedInteger
› Default:0
› Signal:timerIntervalOnChanged()
› Attributes:Writable



This signal is emitted immediately whenever the input signal falls below thresholdValueOff independent of any configured timer intervals. This allows using Comparator for falling edge detection on the input signal.


This signal is emitted immediately whenever the input signal exceeds thresholdValueOn independent of any configured timer intervals. This allows using Comparator for rising edge detection on the input signal.


This signal is emitted whenever the state property changes from true to false. If timerIntervalOff is 0 this signal is emitted at the same time as the inputFallingEdge() signal. Otherwise it’s not emitted until the state change actually takes place. This allows using Comparator for falling edge detection on the output signal. If both rising and falling edges need to be detected the stateChanged() signal can be used instead.


This signal is emitted whenever the state property changes from false to true. If timerIntervalOn is 0 this signal is emitted at the same time as the inputRisingEdge() signal. Otherwise it’s not emitted until the state change actually takes place. This allows using Comparator for rising edge detection on the output signal. If both rising and falling edges need to be detected the stateChanged() signal can be used instead.


import InCore.Foundation 2.5

Application {

    // define fake temperature measurement with random values
    Measurement {
        id: temperature;
        data: 25

    Timer {
        running: true
        interval: 100
        onTriggered: += 0.5 - Math.random()

    // simple Comparator which outputs a boolean indicating whether the temperature exceeds a given threshold
    Comparator {
        thresholdValueOn: 30
        onOutputChanged: {
            if (output)
                console.log("Temperature above", thresholdValueOn)
                console.log("Temperature below", thresholdValueOn)

    // define a threshold and time hysteresis
    Comparator {
        id: hystComp
        thresholdValueOn: 30
        thresholdValueOff: 20
        timerIntervalOn: 30000
        timerIntervalOff: 15000
        onOutputRisingEdge: console.log("Temperature exceeded", thresholdValueOn, "for more than", timerIntervalOn, "seconds")
        onOutputFallingEdge: console.log("Temperature fell below", thresholdValueOff, "for more than", timerIntervalOff, "seconds")

    // use Comparator output to count number of seconds which temperature is not in range
    Counter {
        running: hystComp.output
        interval: 1000
        onValueChanged: console.log( "Temperature outside allowed range for", value, "seconds")